Friday, March 13, 2009

RSS Feeds Pack a Powerful Punch

Join us for a free, interactive video conference professional development
workshop for teachers, librarians, curriculum coordinators, guidance counselors
and technology coordinators. CEU certificates will be provided.
INFOhio With the “Killer App”:
RSS Feeds Pack a Powerful Punch
March 18, 2009, 3:30-4:30 p.m.
RSS Feeds, called the “killer app” and the most important Web 2.0 tool by some
Web 2.0 gurus, can help you teach information skills. Librarians, learn how to
keep your library relevant and competitive and promote the development of
information skills by setting up feeds for teachers, administration and students.
Teachers, learn how to create a space for your class with relevant, up-to-date
information for projects or class discussions. Learn some small steps you can
take using the EBSCOhost databases and Google News searches to create RSS
feeds and deliver current, authoritative information on hot topics and projects to
your desktops daily or weekly. This session is designed for classroom teachers,
librarians and curriculum coordinators.
The session presenter is Melissa Higgs-Horwell, Distance Learning Coordinator,
South Central Ohio Computer Association (SCOCA).
To schedule this video conference, e-mail Melissa Higgs-Horwell, Distance Learning Coordinator at the
SCOCA ITC,, with your contact information, video conference contact person, site
name, IP address and troubleshooting phone number. Or, fax the form (from below to740-289-2082, attention
School Building: ________________________ District:_________________________
Address: _____________________________ City: ________________Zip:_________
Person coordinating the video conference:
E-mail address: ______________________________________________
Phone number at the site: (_____)_______________
IP Address _________________________
Name of system on state database
Please note: We will send confirmation, connection information, handouts, evaluation forms and
participation certificates to the person coordinating the video conference. If there are any additional
questions, please contact Melissa Higgs-Horwell,, phone: 800-634-8828