Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Integrate Interactive Videoconferencing into your Classroom

Wondering how to integrate interactive video conference technology in your
curriculum? This introduction to videoconferencing in the classroom provides
an overview of the resources and tools to help you use videoconferencing in
your curriculum. Designed for teachers and videoconference coordinators,
you'll network with participants, and learn about exciting sources of
content and collaborative projects to engage your students.

Dates: March 1 - March 26
Time commitment: Plan to spend about 3-5 hours per week on the course.
Cost: $200
Target audience: Designed for teachers, media specialists, and distance
learning coordinators.

Teachers participating in this class focus on integrating videoconferencing in the curriculum.
VC Coordinators and media/technology staff focus on promoting and supporting videoconferencing in your school.

More Information and Registration:

We'd love to have you join us for one or more of these exciting courses!


20 Days to Better VC Projects Challenge

Janine Lim
Instructional Technology Consultant Ph: (269) 471-7725x1101
Berrien RESA Fax: (269) 471-1221
711 St. Joseph Ave. Web:
Berrien Springs, MI 49103 Blog:

TWICE Board Member
ASK Coordinator 2006-2009
RAP Verification Coordinator
TWICE Collaborations Around the Planet

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Does Your Learning Style Hinder Your Students' Engagement?

This session will provide a brief explanation of learning styles and how a teacher's personal learning style can impact student engagement and learning without the teacher even being aware of it. Examples of how to diversify strategies to meet others' learning styles will be discussed. This session is an overview of personal learning styles or preferences.

Teresa Roebuck
56 Brierwood Circle
Conway, AR  72034
United States
Phone: (501) 269-0559

1.5 Hours
By Request Only

Logic Models: What they are and how to use them

Logic models are a hot topic for those who write grant proposals and are accountable to funders and stake holders. Designed for educational administrators, managers and leaders, this program talks about logic models, what they are and how they are being used today in the educational and non-profit sectors.
We will review the elements of logic models and how they can help you clarify what you want out of a project or an endeavour.

Dr. Sarah Elaine Eaton
Unit 27, 7172 Coach Hill Rd. SW
Calgary, AB  T3H 1C8
Phone: 403-244-9015

60 Minutes
April 8 2:00 - 3:00 ET