Friday, October 21, 2011

Digital Storytelling and Student Presentations from the Cloud

Digital Storytelling is a powerful tool for students and educators to enhance their curriculum through student-created video stories and digital photography. Using FREE software, teachers and students can
create media-rich presentations that can be made into podcasts, shared over your network, emailed or posted to your website.

11/8/11 Digital Storytelling and Student Presentations from the Cloud
- Overview

The NORT2H Technology Toolbox series is available for scheduling. We
have a great lineup of programs this year. These sessions are listed
on CILC for $125 but we are offering these to Ohio DL schools for

There is no charge for NORT2H or NOTA member schools

Registration for these programs can be made on our Google Site
at or via email to
Paul Hieronymus at

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Free PD from the Amon Carter Museum in Texas - The Human Body in Art

Just over three quarters of the sculpture and well over half of the paintings in the Amon Carter's collection that are currently on display include at least one human figure, ranging from the realistic to the abstract. During this workshop, discover ways to engage students in conversations about complex issues such as identity, body image, and social change. Administrators, art teachers, classroom teachers, counselors, and home school educators are encouraged to attend, although others may benefit.

The Human Body in Art
Tuesday, Oct. 25
4:00-6:00 CST
Click here to register now

Participants will receive digital images of the art objects used with the instructional activities discussed in the workshop.
To find out more about Connect2Texas providers offering content enhancement and professional development programs
Lori Hamm-Neckar
Distance Learning Technician
Region Eleven Telecommunications Network (RETN)
O: (817) 740-7516 | C: (817) 291-3748 |

Monday, October 17, 2011

Motivational Time out for Educators and Others

Comedian/Author Brad Tassell's Motivational Time-out is the perfect thing to help any group relax and be motivated at the same time, all the while laughing like there is no tomorrow. Brad is a 23 year comedy veteran and Carnival Cruiselines top rated comedian in 2007 and 2010. But with his books on Character Education and Bullying he can get even the toughest crowd to grow in mind and spirit right along with the laughs. This program is perfect for a staff luncheon, or to lighten up professional development. It could be used as a great treat for maintenance staff or a secretaries group. If you are getting together for any reason this program fits. Brad will touch on many topics to think about and grow from, but always keep it light and funny. Everyone will go away refreshed and enlightened and thanking you for this treat!

Program Format

1. I always start with a surprise magic trick. Ages 4-90 laugh every time. But there is a lesson in it too about the real magic in the world!
2. The song of life. It's a game, a song, and some silliness inbetween.
3. What is our biggest problem in the world? Teaching kids bad habits. We will talk about some with stories that will have them rolling in the aisles.
4. We will also touch on a zillion other subject to enlighten and tickle that funny bone.
5. a little about stopping bullying.

This program is available by request ONLY

Cost per Site: $175.00

Brad Tassell
P.O Box 1437
Bowling Green, KY  47579
United States
Phone: (812) 660-0191