Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Mental Health & Media Literacy Professional Development Sessions

In a series of videoconferences, educational staff can learn about various mental health issues in children & adolescents from BJC School Outreach & Youth Development. Learn about their causes, treatment, and how to access mental health professionals if you spot children in your classrooms whom you feel need help.

Sessions meet 4-5:00 pm CT; free to New Links members; $85 for non-members. Sign up with Rebecca Morrison at Cooperating School Districts.

We are offering five Mental Health in Children and Adolescents this school year, with three focusing on media literacy, presented by BJC's Sara Whitlock:

October 14, 2009: Superheroes & Princesses- The Effects of Media on Gender Identity

Media is the vehicle of pop culture. Music, television, internet, video games, and movies spend billions of dollars to grab the attention of young people. In the meantime, these forms of media send powerful messages about what it means to be cool, attractive, and even male or female. Learn current research on the effects of media on gender roles from preschool to high school and how simple classroom discussions can help empower young people to understand their own gender identity.

January 14, 2010: You Did What?: Sexting, Cyberbullying, and Other High Risk Online Behavior

Welcome to the “soda shop” of the next generation. Online isn’t just an entity, it’s the place to be (and be seen) for young people. When the desire for attention become risky, young people can find themselves in situations for which they aren’t adequately prepared. This presentation will discuss current trends in online behavior and what educators and parents can do to help young people be more pro-active online.

April 8, 2010: This Just In!: News Violence and the Effects on Young People

Around the clock, breaking news is a staple of our culture. We have more access to up-to-the-minute information now that ever before, and so do young people. So, when an event such at the Virginia Tech attack or the failing economy streams nonstop into the lives of young people, does it have an effect on them and their view of the world? Is it a public health concern? Learn when a bounty of information can become too much information, and the role of adults in building resilience in young people.

Look for two more Mental Health videoconferences to be announced in upcoming weeks!

Rebecca Morrison
New Links to New Learning
p: 314.692.1274 | f: 314.872.9128
Cooperating School Districts
Virtual Learning Center
1460 Craig Road
St. Louis, MO 63146