Monday, November 5, 2007

Grades: 7-12 Teaching Foreign Language

Subject: Teacher best practice, using video conferencing to teach foreign language from HS to MS

Please join the TCHESC on December 4th at 3:15 for an interactive Best
Practice Video Conference covering the method and mechanics of offering
a foreign language from a High School to a Middle School. Dover High has
been teaching Spanish 1 to 8th grade students for 3 years using video
conferencing. This has enabled the students to either take a second
language or choose an advanced Spanish study during Junior or Senior
year. Join us as the teachers and school officials explain how this
works and what benefits the district has noticed as a result of this
teaching method. The cost is $60 for non-consortium members and there is
no charge for TEC-LINK member schools. Please register by visiting and clicking on VC scheduler. Contact hours are available
for this session.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Thanks!
Michele L. Carlisle
834 East High Ave
New Philadelphia,Ohio 44663
330-308-9939 x220
330-308-0964 (fax)
Cell phone: 330-340-1845