Monday, August 16, 2010

Check out MAGPI's fee-based Professional Development programs

Check out MAGPI's fee-based Professional Development programs:
Internet2 vs. Web 2.0: What can you do with MAGPI and Internet2? (90 minute videoconference session) $185.00/site
Did you know that over 50,000 schools, libraries, museums, zoos, aquariums, and other cultural organizations across the US are connected with each other and thousands of institutions around the world via the next-generation Internet and that MAGPI is the regional connector for this network. The advanced networking community is changing the way teaching and learning is conducted in the classroom - - and we’re going to show you how. Learn about the various tools, projects and applications that are influencing K12 classrooms over Internet2 and MAGPI. We’ll take a look at interactive videoconferencing, digital library repositories, virtual reality, gaming, simulation, remote instrumentation and more. And although Internet2 is NOT Web 2.0, it can be used to enhance and support web 2.0 in your classroom or institution.

Videoconferencing: Best Classroom Practices and VirtualField Trips (2 hour videoconference session) $250.00/site
Expand your classroom resources through interactive videoconferencing! This session explores best classroom techniques for videoconferencing, virtual field trips and where to find content providers. Although we'll begin with an overview of various virtual field trips, each seminar features!a sample virtual field trip. After participating in this session, educators will understand the basic premises of virtual field trips, know how to use the CILC, MUSE and VC Content Provider databases to find content providers, and will understand basic videoconference etiquette for educational programs. Participants are encouraged to come with stories of previous virtual field trip experiences or questions about specific content providers.

Building inter@ctivity into your classroom with videoconference collaborations (2 hour videoconference session) $250.00/site
This seminar investigates best practices for designing collaborative projects and class-to-class videoconference events. Learning strategies for successful planning of interactive videoconference events, educators in this session will go through a “mock process’ of planning an interactive videoconference-based project. Each seminar involves an overview of possible collaborative project ideas, successful best practices and strategies for seeking collaborators. Participants are encouraged to come with their own ideas for collaborative projects, share those projects and get feedback from presenters and other participants.

Increasing inter@ctivity: enriching videoconferencecollaborations with web 2.0 tools (90 minute videoconference session) $185.00/site
Although videoconferencing is becoming more ubiquitous in the K12 classroom, students are demanding increased inter@ctivity. Students want to communicate to their global peers in real-time to co-create, collaborate, problem solve and co-construct understanding. In this program, participants will explore how various web 2.0 technologies can enhance class to class videoconference collaborations. Participants will be guided through an analysis of several successful class-to-class videoconference project models that foster constructivist learning and incorporate web 2.0 technologies. Technologies discussed will include wikis, blogs, video sharing applications, google apps, social networking and more. Participants will come away with strategies for seamlessly integrating and managing multiple collaborative technologies into their student videoconference-based projects. This session can be modified for grade level applicability.

International engagement: bringing the world to your students through interactive technologies (60 minute videoconference session) $125.00/site
Cooking demonstrations from Portugal... language exchanges with Chilean students... interactive discussion with Afghani leaders... science experiments with students in Taiwan... the global collaborative possibilities with advanced networks are endless. Learn how you can use the MAGPI and Internet2 networks to break down classroom walls and bring the world to your students through interactive technologies. Leave this session with strategies for finding international partners for collaborative projects and project examples/templates.!

Enhancing STEM education through interactivetechnologies over Internet2 and MAGPI (60 minute videoconference session) $125.00/site
Digital library and learning objects, virtual field trips, remote instrumentation, virtual worlds - - join this session for an overview of various resources available over the Internet2 and MAGPI networks that can enrich and support STEM initiatives in your classroom or institution. Participants will be provided with a resource handout and activities that they can integrate into their classroom next day, as well as long-term strategies for developing collaborative partnerships and integrating STEM technologies into the classroom. This session can be modified for grade level applicability.

Innovation workshop for educators and technology specialists (Full-Day On-Site Session) $1600.00/site
K12 students and teachers are creating unprecedented opportunities for inquiry-based learning by expanding the geographic boundaries of their classrooms - - virtually and cost effectively. K12 schools on the MAGPI network participate in interactive video exchanges in real- time - - with their students’ peers, content providers or experts from anywhere in the world. They have access to more than 100 MAGPI- produced interactive video programs each year. Students and teachers take advantage of multimedia files and learning objects through digital library repositories, create their own virtual words and use remote scientific instruments - - all without leaving their classrooms. During this hands-on, full-day workshop, learn what resources are available to you, best practices for videoconferencing and how to plan/support collaborative projects. Educators and Technology experts will work together to brainstorm how tools available over the MAGPI and Internet2 networks can impact their home institutions.

Adding the WOW factor to your lessons- streaming media,virtual collections and digital learning objects available overadvanced networks (1 hour videoconference session) $125.00/site
Looking for a video snippet to show students during a lesson tomorrow? Need an animation to illustrate a scientific technique? Want to take students live to the Congressional Floor? Learn about various video streaming, virtual media collections and digital learning objects available over advanced networks that you can access instantly from your classroom computer! This informal session is customized by grade level relevance and subject area - - and involves a lot of discussion!Jazz up your interactive presentations!

Techniques and technologies for the presenter (2 hour videoconference session) $250.00/site
Have you ever seen an engaging presentation via video and wondered ‘how’d they make that so interactive?’ Come find out tips and tricks to make your interactive video presentations engaging!and memorable for all audiences! The first half of the session will explore presentation techniques for the camera and negotiating audience members at multiple sites. The second half of the session will look at various technologies you can incorporate into your presentations to engage (and impress!) distributed audiences. Collaborative exercises and discussion will both entertain and enlighten participants. (DISCLAIMER: Sense of humor required for this session!)

Supporting Interactive and Advanced Video in theClassroom: A Workshop for Technology Integrators and Network Specialists (2 hour videoconference session) $250.00/site
This session will show you how to add video conferencing, content sharing, and other video technologies into existing and new construction spaces. We will cover: Display placement and type; audio reinforcement and microphone placement; window treatments and room lighting. In addition to physical space considerations, we will look at how to configure your network for video conferencing and streaming; NAT; firewalls; and gatekeeper set-up/scenarios.

*ANY VIDEOCONFERENCE SESSION can be turned into a multisite program and MAGPI will handle the bridging! For any multisite event, there will be a 20% cost savings per site (i.e. a 60 minute session would be $100/site).**MAGPI Members receive a 10% discount on all videoconference professional development sessions.
To book a fee-based professional development program, please contact Heather Weisse Walsh at or 215.573.6417.