Two upcoming professional development opportunities from Amon Carter Museum
Virtual Museum
Tuesday, Sept. 29th
4:00 - 6:00 PM CST
Cost ONLY $10.00 per teacher
Have you always wanted to integrate museum online resources into your curriculum, but didn’t know where to start? From teaching guides to book marking sites and from blogs to podcasts, this interactive broadcast will provide tips for both experts and novices on how to make the most of museums’ online offerings. This workshop connects to all levels of language arts, social studies, technology, and visual art. Participants will receive two hours of continuing professional development credit.
History of Photography
Tuesday, Oct. 20th
4:00 - 6:00 PM CST
Cost ONLY $10.00 per teacher
Learn about key American photographers and photographic processes and styles, as well as how photography from 1839 to the present day relates to American history. Connect photography’s history to all levels of language arts, science, social studies, and visual art.
Lori Hamm
Connect2Texas is a service offered by
Education Service Center Region XI
and the
Region Eleven Telecommunications Network (RETN)
3001 North Freeway
Fort Worth, TX 76106
(817) 740-3625