Professional Development From SOITA
Through Videoconferencing
Cost for each participating school is $50 per session.
Each session is an hour long.
Click for the interactive registration form.
Want to do a test call with SOITA? Dial or
Contact Bob Stricker
150 East Sixth Street
Franklin, Ohio 45005
Next Tuesday, January 27
Offered at 1:30 & 3:30
What's New in iMovie '08?
iMovie '08 has a new look and it is drastically different than iMovie HD. With new features like skimming, masking, and real-time transitions, users can easily customize video clips, photos, and music. iMovie '08 makes it quick and easy to create new movies for any level of user.
Next Tuesday, January 27
Offered at 1:30 & 3:30
What's New in iMovie '08?
iMovie '08 has a new look and it is drastically different than iMovie HD. With new features like skimming, masking, and real-time transitions, users can easily customize video clips, photos, and music. iMovie '08 makes it quick and easy to create new movies for any level of user.